Sunday, 8 July 2018

IT RUNS!!!!!!

If you've been following on instagram you'll already know the bike runs and made it to Eroica Brittania, but here's a run down of events and issues for those that haven't been following

After I took the flywheel nut and ignition module to the shop for them to get it going I made it very clear I had a tight deadline, they could get the ignition module to work consistently but they put the original coil back on and timed the points and managed to get it going! I got sent this video via text 8 days before the bike needed to do it's thing at the event

After owning the bike for 4 years, it was a relief to finally hear it running and even better to see it moving on it's own! Obviously it wasn't perfect and I still had some adjustments to do to other parts of the bike but it's still a massive milestone hit so I'm very happy

Once I got it back to my workshop, I had to refit the seat and tank then I was able to ride it around a little and it's basically just like a bicycle. The brakes needed some adjustment but are surprisingly good (and got better with more use). I had a few other things to do before the event, mainly relating to the footpeg situation but unfortunately I just didn't have time to do it properly so the existing bodge was left in place. The engine will have to come out to allow me to brae the mounting plates on but I didn't want to disturb an engine that was running! The footpegs and stand will be sorted next though.

After adjusting the forks and brakes, I wanted to get the bike looking good for the show. I had the correct chaincase to fit, along with the little oil tank that sits behind the engine. The the Elite bits were added and it was ready to hand bottles out!

Annoyingly after running perfectly* for over an hour and handing out roughly 200 bottles, I couldn't get her started again. It seemed to be an over-fueling issue but after being moved to the second location it did run again! This is the only footage I got of me riding it but there will be more in the future!

Going forward my 'to do' list is:
  • Remove the engine and sort the footpegs and stand
  • Take the bike back to RCK as we think we can get the charging system working too
  • If that works, create a wiring loom including switches, ignition key, brake light etc
  • Try to sort the engine oil leaks (but likely just accept it uses quite a bit of oil!)
  • RIDE IT MORE!!!!!

*'Perfectly' is stretching the truth a little, one of the footpegs fell off after about 15 minutes!

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